Clean Air Action Day: Join the Movement
The heat is officially here, which will likely bring Ozone Action Days. These days are issued when ozone levels are expected to...
The heat is officially here, which will likely bring Ozone Action Days. These days are issued when ozone levels are expected to...
Ozone season in North Texas starts March 1st and lasts until November 30th, which means it’s time to get a refresh on air quality basics!
Valentine’s Day is not just about showing love and gratitude to those you hold close to you but also showing love to the things around...
As the ozone season winds down and the cold weather sets in, it’s still essential that we practice clean air initiatives. It’s crucial to...
With temperatures soaring into triple digits, it’s essential to conserve energy and reduce fuel emissions to improve the air quality in...
School is out! Grab your popsicles, pool noodles, and lemonade, it’s summertime in Texas. With the return of summer heat and higher ozone...
According to the American Lung Association, May is Clean Air Month! This means it’s time to protect the air we breathe by reducing...
With the beginning of spring in full swing, and temperatures finally becoming more enjoyable, it’s time to get cleaning! While you’re...
2022 has passed; some could say it was their best year yet, and some could say it was one of the more challenging ones. But the new year...